This is a list of some books our members have found useful.
Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture, Ross Conrad
First Lessons in Beekeeping, Keith S. Delaplane
Backyard Beekeeper: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Keeping Bees in Your Yard and Garden, Kim Flottum
The Beekeeper’s Handbook, Diana Sammataro
Beekeeping in California, Jeremy Rose
The Rose Hive Method, Tim Rowe
Hive and the Honeybee, L.L. Langstroth et. al.
The Buzz About Bees: Biology of a Superorganism, Jürgen Tautz
Honeybee Democracy, Thomas D. Seeley
Field Guide to The Common Bees of California Including Bees of the Western United States, Gretchen LeBuhn / Noel Pugh
The Orchard Mason Bee: The Life History, Biology, Propagation and Use of a North American Native Bee, Brian L. Griffin / Sharon Smith
Wisdom of the Bees, Eric Berrevoets
Nine Lectures on Bees (pdf), Rudolf Steiner
The Bee-Friendly Beekeeper, David Heaf