The guild will be ordering packages for guild members this year. As in the past, James is very generously coordinating the order and picking up the bees for us. James’ information on package orders follows:
Package bees are available in late April or early May, and are supplied by BZ Bee Pollination. Actual delivery date is weather-dependent. They are three pound package bees with either Carniolian or Italian queens mated in the beautiful Capay Valley and Lake Berryessa areas. The cost for 2015 is $85 each, which is relatively inexpensive considering you can pick them up in Santa Cruz. Interested parties should feel free to contact me with questions. Orders need to be in April 1 and have a very legible phone order with the check. James will call folks a week or so ahead of the pickup day. Package bees are a reliable way to get introduced to beekeeping, I usually think of them as an ant farm for big kids!
James Cook
507 Fair Ave
415 613 6975
Call James with you order or see him at a meeting!