
October Guild Meeting is today!

Our October Guild Meeting is this evening. For our presentation session, guild Member Bodo Langen will be discussing alternative beekeeping approaches and hive product uses. There will also be a new sub-group meeting from 6:30 to 7:00 to talk about Top Bar Hive management. This will take place alongside our regular Q&A session at this time.

Finally, please bring honey to the meeting to give as a gift to the El Rio residents at.

This is our way of thanking them for generously allowing us to use their meeting room “rent free” -which is why as a guild we do not have membership dues. We should be able to give each home a small gift jar. Please help us out!!

If you have harvested honey, bring your own. If you have not harvested or do not have lots to share, please buy a few jars.
Penny will be transferring the honey into lovely gift jars for the El Rio Residents, so a quart jar or two is perfect.

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