
What is a Mentor?

A mentor is a more-experienced beekeeper who can help you to get started in the right direction, can help answer questions as you learn, and can give advice when you encounter unusual situations. A mentorship is a learning and development relationship between the more experienced beekeeper and the newbee with a desire to learn.

What is a Mentor not?

Our mentors volunteer their time. Please respect the value of that time. A mentor should not be expected to take care of your hive for you. For example, he or she may guide you through your first hive inspection (or two), but after this you should be able to conduct this routine task yourself.

Before you ask your mentor for help, please do your research and try to answer your question yourself – attend meetings, ask questions, and get plenty of answers. Our Resources for Beekeepers is also a  great place to look. Once you’ve done your homework and still have questions, then a mentor is a good place to turn.

Mentor/Mentee Signups

One of our Guild members has generously offered to coordinate newbees looking for help/advice and more experienced beekeepers who can provide some words of wisdom. Please contact Penny directly if you’d like to find a mentor. Also contact Penny if you’d like to offer help; be sure to mention what kind of help you can offer (installing packages, general hive inspections, mite control, medication, etc.).

Penny can be reached at: [email protected]