
The Guild meets every first Wednesday of the month at the community room in the El Rio Mobile Home Park in Santa Cruz. See our event calendar for upcoming meeting dates.

For parking info, see below – please do not park inside the mobile home park. Walking into the the park from Pacific Avenue, turn right at the mailboxes, and you’ll see us there. The meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. The address is:

2120 North Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Guild Meeting
March 2015 Guild Meeting


Please, respect the El Rio residents:

  • Never park inside the park, please park outside the mobile home community.
  • Upon leaving, please keep your voices down so as not to disturb the residents.
  • If you park on the street, make sure you pay your meter to avoid a ticket.
  • If you park in the LENZ Arts parking lot, never block any cars. Staff sometimes stay until 7 p.m. and many park behind the building–behind the chain link fence.

We may use the Lenz Arts lot on the following conditions:

  • Any parking in the lot MUST, MUST be after 6 p.m. Earlier runs the risk of towing. After 6:10 p.m. is best.
  • Absolutely no blocking egress of ANY vehicle
  • No parking anywhere along the fence where it says “No Parking.”
  • Never assume that all cars in the lot are beekeeper cars since they are typically not.
  • Please, if you see someone in the Lenz Arts parking area not parking according to these conditions, tell them that they are jeopardizing our use of this lot. If a vehicle is already situated, bring it to our attention at the meeting with a description so the owner can be notified to move it before it gets towed.

Notes from Guild Meetings:

Below are some notes and information from a few of our past meetings. We also occasionally invite guest speakers to our meetings.  With the speaker’s permission, we will post notes from these invited talks, as well.

April 2020 – A video from Amanda Franks about installing a package of bees.

August 2019 – Peter Cornelius’ talk on Integrated Pest Management and Cornell University’s Resources for Integrated Pest Management

April 2017 – Dinah Phillips’ talk on Top Bar Hives

July 2015 – Peter Cornelius’ talk on Integrated Pest Management and Varroa Control

May 2015 -Marja E van den Hende’s talk Anatomy of a Swarm, What I learned from Honeybee Democracy

September 2014Fall Management

April 2014 – Inspection checklist

February 2014Meeting notes

May 2013 – Peter Cornelius’ talk on Advanced Beekeeping

January 2012List of local bee-forage plants

August 2011 – Meeting notes