May 2017 Guild Meeting is today!
Our monthly Guild meeting is this evening. Come by to tell us how your bees are doing! We’ll have special guest speaker Aiden Wing from Wings of Nature Bees talking about queen rearing. See you there!
Our monthly Guild meeting is this evening. Come by to tell us how your bees are doing! We’ll have special guest speaker Aiden Wing from Wings of Nature Bees talking about queen rearing. See you there!
Our July Guild meeting is tonight: We have a great speaker lined up, Hamutahl Cohen, who is a Ph.D. Student in Environmental Studies at UCSC. Her research looks at how agricultural practices and urbanization impact pollinators. She’s conducting research on bee-microbe interactions in urban gardens and farms along the Central Coast of California. She’s worked with honey bees…
The last chance to order packaged bees will be this April 1st at the monthly guild meeting. If you want packaged bees, be sure to have your order and payment in to James Cook by the end of the meeting. Information about ordering packages is in an earlier post, here.
The guild will be ordering packages for guild members this year. As in the past, James is very generously coordinating the order and picking up the bees for us. James’ information on package orders follows: Package bees are available in late April or early May, and are supplied by BZ Bee Pollination. Actual delivery date is…
As you likely know, the recent news about an aggressive hive of africanized bees found in Concord has been making the rounds in the last several days. Of course this has created alarm among some people, and has begun to generate some questions to the Bee Guild site. I started writing a response to one of these questions,…
The last guild meeting of 2016 is tomorrow, Wednesday, 7 December. Instead of our regular meeting, we will be celebrating another successful year of bee stewardship with a potluck and social time. Bring something to eat and drink, and have a good time with fellow beekeepers. Same time, same place – see you there!
Our monthly meeting is Wednesday evening. Come by and hear about winter preparations – it’s almost time! Also, if you have honey to share, please bring a pint or two to share with the El Rio Mobile Home Park residents, who graciously let us use their meeting room for free every month. Penny will take…
Get the latest buzz on beekeeping in Santa Cruz! Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on our meetings, local events, expert tips, and ways to support healthy pollinators in our community.
Monterey Bay Beekeepers
Gilroy Beekeepers Association
Santa Clara Beekeepers Guild
Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County
San Francisco Beekeepers Association
Marin Beekeepers Club
Sonoma County Beeleepers Association
Alameda County Beekeepers Association
Mount Diablo Beeleepers Association
British Beekeepers Association
Pine Mountain Arts
UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab
Bay Area Beekeepers Resources
2120 N. Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060