2018 Steering Committee Meeting

This will be a meeting of the Santa Cruz Beekeepers Guild Steering Committee to discuss the following topics for the next yer: Governance Meeting topics Schedules

March 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation: Carla will be discussing swarm prevention and splits. Emily will be sharing a bit about the presentations from the UC Davis bee symposium this past Saturday. 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum … Continue reading March 2018 Guild Meeting


April 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation: TBA 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions


May 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation: TBA 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions


June 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation: TBA 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions


August 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions


September 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation: TBA 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions


October 2018 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation: TBA 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions
