Beginner Beekeeping Workshop

Costanoa Farms Golf Club Drive, United States

Join the Monterey Bay Master Gardeners for a Beginner Beekeeping Workshop at Costanoa Farms on Gold Club Drive in Santa Cruz.


Intermediate Beekeeping Class

Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA, United States

This class is designed for students with an existing knowledge of beekeeping, and those who have existing beehives. We will discuss keeping bees locally, the way to start a hive (package versus nucleus), and different options for foundation. The class will focus on IPM approaches, different options for tackling parasitic Varroa mites, and seasonal hive … Continue reading Intermediate Beekeeping Class


Queen Rearing Workshop

Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA, United States

Do you consider yourself an intermediate to advanced beekeeper, and want to try your hand at raising queen bees? In the morning portion of this class we will cover different methods and techniques for raising queen bees, including methods to split a hive, breeding programs, and an intro to grafting. In the afternoon we will … Continue reading Queen Rearing Workshop

$68 – $75

May 2019 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation (Emily, Aidan & Karla): Local Bees/Queen Rearing/Current issues in queen & drone fertility 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions

June 2019 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation(Bodo & Dinah): Bee Medicine, Steiner and alternative hive design AND Top Bar Hives 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions

Beginner Beekeeping Intensive

Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA, United States

Join Emily Bondor at Cabrillo College for a one-day intensive workshop on the basics of keeping bees. Lecture + Hive Dive.

$68 – $75

July 2019 Guild Meeting

🐝    6:30 - 7  Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝    7:00  Main Presentation (Emily and/or Amanda): Swarm Survival Rates & How to Re-Queen a hive 🐝    ~ 8:00 Break 🐝    ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions