July 2019 Guild Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 7 Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝 7:00 Main Presentation (Emily and/or Amanda): Swarm Survival Rates & How to Re-Queen a hive 🐝 ~ 8:00 Break 🐝 ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions
August 2019 Guild Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 7 Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝 7:00 Main Presentation (Peter & Harry): Hive Pests: Varroa, SHB, Wasps, Ants / IPM. Harry: Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets 🐝 ~ 8:00 Break 🐝 ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions
September 2019 Guild Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 7 Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝 7:00 Main Presentation (Joe): Fall/Winter Preparation (downsizing, winter honey stores) 🐝 ~ 8:00 Break 🐝 ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions
October 2019 Guild Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 7 Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝 7:00 Main Presentation (Harry & Emily): Will & Trust: Bees & Estate planning; Apimondia Recap 🐝 ~ 8:00 Break 🐝 ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions
November 2019 Guild Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 7 Meet & Greet - find a mentor, etc. 🐝 7:00 Main Presentation (Dick/David/Angie): Wax Rendering and Value Added Craft Products of the Hive 🐝 ~ 8:00 Break 🐝 ~8:15 - The Good, Bad and Ugly and open forum to address any questions
December 2019 Guild Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 9:00 Holiday Potluck Party
January 2020 Steering Committee Meeting
🐝 6:30 - 9:00 Annual Steering Committee Meeting (Date and Time Tentative)
February 2020 Guild Meeting
Presenters: Karla Delong, Former Guild President / Beekeeping Instructor Kourtney McGrath, Beekeeper Equipment, types of starter hives and Package Sign up You won't want to miss this!
March 2020 Guild Meeting
Presenter: Emily Bondor, Former Guild President; Beekeeping Instructor Swarms, good neighbor beekeeping, value of local bees / Mite count
April 2020 Guild Meeting
Special Announcement: Due to the Shelter in Place order from Santa Cruz County Health Officer, the Guild will host the April 1 meeting using Zoom.com. 7:00-7:05 Welcome and Zoom Etiquette7:05-7:40 Presentation by AmandaInstalling Nucs and Packages; Mite prevention Instructions:Go to Zoom.com and set up a free account with your name and email address. It takes 5-10 minutes. After you have … Continue reading April 2020 Guild Meeting