October 2020 Guild Meeting

Presenters: Dick Vennerbeck, Raffle Meister Angie Aragon & Paula Toledo, Beekeepers and Purveyors of Practical Hive Products Helpful Bee Keeping Hacks, Value Added Products From the Hive + DIY Recipes

November 2020 Guild Meeting

Presenter: Bodo Langen, Educator & Beekeeper Extraordinaire Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects of Living with Bees

December 2020 Guild Meeting

Presenters/Hosts: Amanda, PresidentPaula, TreasurerHarry Schoenfeld, Woodcarver, Beekeeper Holiday Potluck Party; Silent Auction; The Canadian Beekeeper Video

March Zoom Meeting – Meredith May, Author

6:30 - 7:15 Emily will talk about SWARMS, why they happen, and how to collect one successfully 7:15 - 8:30 Guest Speaker Meredith May, Author of The Honey Bus and 5th Generation Beekeeper

April Zoom Meeting

Installing Nucs and Packages / Mite Prevention Amanda presenting

May Zoom Meeting

Purpose of Splits - The How and the Why Breaking Mite Cycle - Avoiding Swarms Ian and Amanda Presenting

Quest Speaker Tucka Saville

"Long Live the Queen: tips and tricks." Its all about queen handling, introduction and other practicalities around Queens. Tucka's Bio: "Bzz! I run about 300 colonies in Upstate NY and South Florida. My business, Tucka Bee LLC, sprung from 100 swarm traps in the south. My primary mentors are Mike Palmer in upstate Vermont and … Continue reading Quest Speaker Tucka Saville