April 7 Installing Packages and Nucs
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Guild Meetings
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Our first regular Guild Meeting of the new year is tomorrow (Wednesday) night. Ian Coulson will be talking about emergency feeding options and will show how he makes fondant – very timely as the girls are eating more than they are finding up here in the San Lorenzo Valley. See you there!
Our October Guild meeting is this evening! We have a special guest speaker, Kate Stanyer of R&K Honey Bee Studio. She’ll be talking about candlemaking. The details are on the event page here: November 2017 Guild Meeting See you tonight!
Our monthly meeting is Wednesday evening. Come by and hear about winter preparations – it’s almost time! Also, if you have honey to share, please bring a pint or two to share with the El Rio Mobile Home Park residents, who graciously let us use their meeting room for free every month. Penny will take…
Our July Guild Meeting is tonight! In addition to our regular topics, we’ll be discussing different methods of harvesting honey. See you there!
Our June Guild meeting is tomorrow. Emily will be giving us information on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and we’ll also have our usual discussions about how our hives are doing and what to expect over the next month. Come tell us how your bees are doing after our wet winter! See you there…
Our monthly Guild meeting is this evening. Come by to tell us how your bees are doing! We’ll have special guest speaker Aiden Wing from Wings of Nature Bees talking about queen rearing. See you there!
The April 2017 Guild Meeting is tomorow starting at 6:30 PM. We’ll be doing a package installation demonstration for new beekeepers at 6:30, so if you’ve never installed bees into a hive, this is the demo for you. Dianah Phillips will also be discussing Top Bar hives. See you there!
The March 2017 Guild Meeting is this evening starting at 6:30 PM. In addition to our regular topics, Karla will be talking about capturing swarms and how to do splits. See you there!
Just a reminder that we will not be having a regular Guild meeting this month. Instead, the steering committee will be meeting to organize the meeting topics and speakers for the new year. We will resume our regular meetings next month on February 1st. If you are interested in getting into beekeeping, the February meeting is the…
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Monterey Bay Beekeepers
Gilroy Beekeepers Association
Santa Clara Beekeepers Guild
Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County
San Francisco Beekeepers Association
Marin Beekeepers Club
Sonoma County Beeleepers Association
Alameda County Beekeepers Association
Mount Diablo Beeleepers Association
British Beekeepers Association
Pine Mountain Arts
UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab
Bay Area Beekeepers Resources
2120 N. Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060