Author: alexj


Bee packages will be arriving this coming Thursday, 30 April 2015. If you ordered from James, you can pick your package(s) up at: 4-6 PM 507 Fair St Santa Cruz, CA James will be calling you if you placed an order. If you need to contact him, his number is 415.613.6975.

April Guild Meeting

The April Guild meeting is coming up next Wednesday on April 1st. Don’t miss it! This meeting is specifically oriented to new beekeepers who will be getting their first bees this month. We’ll cover lots of good stuff for the new beekeeper – see the event calendar for the list of topics. Highlights include: Equipment Selection Package…


The guild will be ordering packages for guild members this year. As in the past, James is very generously coordinating the order and picking up the bees for us. James’ information on package orders follows: Package bees are available in late April or early May, and are supplied by BZ Bee Pollination. Actual delivery date is…

Our New Website

We’ve updated our website. Take a look around and let us know how you like it. Also let us know about any typos or broken links. We’ll be continuing to work on the site layout and adding new content over the next weeks and months. Thanks for visiting!