April 7 Installing Packages and Nucs
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
We’ll be talking about non-honey hive products like salves and tinctures as well a mead making. Details on the events page. If you have questions, are looking for a mentor, etc, come early to chat with other guild members. The meeting starts at 7:00pm. Please, respect the El Rio residents: Do not park inside the…
The June 2016 Guild Meeting is tomorrow. In addition to our regular agenda, Emily Bondor will be talking about the UC Davis Bee Symposium, Small Hive Beetle, and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) See you there! P.S. As usual, please park outside the El Rio Mobile Home Park. If there are spaces available, you may use…
There won’t be a Guild meeting this month, but join us on 3 February 2016 for our first meeting of 2016! Happy new year!
The September guild meeting is tomorrow, September 2nd. This month we welcome Deanna Giuliano from the California Native Plants Society, Santa Cruz Chapter as our speaker. She will be talking to us about native plants and pollinators. September Guild Meeting As always: Socializing at 6:30, meeting at 7:00 Please, respect the El Rio residents: Do not park inside the park,…
The April 2017 Guild Meeting is tomorow starting at 6:30 PM. We’ll be doing a package installation demonstration for new beekeepers at 6:30, so if you’ve never installed bees into a hive, this is the demo for you. Dianah Phillips will also be discussing Top Bar hives. See you there!
Our monthly meeting is Wednesday evening. Come by and hear about winter preparations – it’s almost time! Also, if you have honey to share, please bring a pint or two to share with the El Rio Mobile Home Park residents, who graciously let us use their meeting room for free every month. Penny will take…
Get the latest buzz on beekeeping in Santa Cruz! Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on our meetings, local events, expert tips, and ways to support healthy pollinators in our community.
Monterey Bay Beekeepers
Gilroy Beekeepers Association
Santa Clara Beekeepers Guild
Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County
San Francisco Beekeepers Association
Marin Beekeepers Club
Sonoma County Beeleepers Association
Alameda County Beekeepers Association
Mount Diablo Beeleepers Association
British Beekeepers Association
Pine Mountain Arts
UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab
Bay Area Beekeepers Resources
2120 N. Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060