August Guild Meeting
Our August Guild Meeting is tonight! Marja will be talking about Fall/Winter preparations and hive management. It’s time to start thinking about winter!
Our August Guild Meeting is tonight! Marja will be talking about Fall/Winter preparations and hive management. It’s time to start thinking about winter!
The April Guild meeting is coming up next Wednesday on April 1st. Don’t miss it! This meeting is specifically oriented to new beekeepers who will be getting their first bees this month. We’ll cover lots of good stuff for the new beekeeper – see the event calendar for the list of topics. Highlights include: Equipment Selection Package…
Our July Guild meeting is tonight: We have a great speaker lined up, Hamutahl Cohen, who is a Ph.D. Student in Environmental Studies at UCSC. Her research looks at how agricultural practices and urbanization impact pollinators. She’s conducting research on bee-microbe interactions in urban gardens and farms along the Central Coast of California. She’s worked with honey bees…
Our June Guild meeting is tomorrow. Emily will be giving us information on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and we’ll also have our usual discussions about how our hives are doing and what to expect over the next month. Come tell us how your bees are doing after our wet winter! See you there…
Our October Guild Meeting is this evening. For our presentation session, guild Member Bodo Langen will be discussing alternative beekeeping approaches and hive product uses. There will also be a new sub-group meeting from 6:30 to 7:00 to talk about Top Bar Hive management. This will take place alongside our regular Q&A session at this…
The May guild meeting is coming up this Wednesday. In additions to the usual topics (introductions, the good bad and ugly) Marja will be talking about swarms. More info here.
The September guild meeting is tomorrow, September 2nd. This month we welcome Deanna Giuliano from the California Native Plants Society, Santa Cruz Chapter as our speaker. She will be talking to us about native plants and pollinators. September Guild Meeting As always: Socializing at 6:30, meeting at 7:00 Please, respect the El Rio residents: Do not park inside the park,…
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Monterey Bay Beekeepers
Gilroy Beekeepers Association
Santa Clara Beekeepers Guild
Beekeepers Guild of San Mateo County
San Francisco Beekeepers Association
Marin Beekeepers Club
Sonoma County Beeleepers Association
Alameda County Beekeepers Association
Mount Diablo Beeleepers Association
British Beekeepers Association
Pine Mountain Arts
UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab
Bay Area Beekeepers Resources
2120 N. Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060